Saturday, April 2, 2011

This is something about me

Hi I’m Andrea and this is the second blog that I have in my life, but this is totally different of mi first blog because this was about a few stories that I create with mi friends when I was in the school.
For this blog I hope know things about my classmates like the music, sports, films that they prefer and then they have the possibility too to know the things that I prefer, like my favorite movie or something. 


  1. Oooooh Darling, you're so original, I loved the template of your blog, I think this is going to be a fun experience, and I must to say I feel so basic right now, because your blog is so pro :C

  2. Andre my friend, In this second blog I hope you make a lot of new friends and I hope They will be of the University. I hope that we speak about many things, see you.

  3. Hi andrea, very original for create blogs...thank you for the help.
    see you!

  4. Andrejiji! You know you're so cool, and now your blog confirms it. It's also funny for me commenting, I can't explain it!
    See you :*
